It’s November and the holidays are approaching faster than a politician changes their mind. For many, this time of year holds considerable excitement, for others it triggers dread and increases anxiety, depression and loneliness. It activates a sense of despair over loss and unresolved grief. Add to that family drama, more expectations, pressures to attend/host holiday gatherings, financial burdens, then sprinkle in a few negative memories and it can provoke the “holiday blues.”

That’s a lot when you’re already dealing with the usual stressors of a demanding full-time job, chauffeuring kids to their events and did I mention it gets dark at 5:30 now? What’s next, cold weather? When you’re sleep deprived and operating out of an emotional deficit, the dark and cold are prime mood aggravators making your rebound even more challenging.
Here are five helpful tips for coping with the holiday blues:
1. Get enough rest: Put down the devices and stick to a consistent bedtime routine.
2. Eat well: Resist the junk food, limit your sugar intake, visit the produce section often!
3. Take time for yourself: Spend time filling your own cup doing something YOU love to do.
4. Exercise: Go to the gym, stretch, do yoga, take a walk, ride a bike. Move your body!
5. Be prudent: Manage your holiday spending carefully, people want you, not things and be cautious around toxic family members who would otherwise highjack your emotions.
Remember, the holidays are a season and seasons are temporary. If the sadness lingers or worsens, call me for an appointment and I’ll get you scheduled.